Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Redditors are in DC and across the country today meeting directly with lawmakers to help save net neutrality. Here's how you can get involved.

Hey /r/EarthPorn,The FCC’s repeal of net neutrality officially went into effect earlier this month, but the fight for the free and open Internet is far from over. Congress can still overrule Ajit Pai using a joint resolution under Congressional Review Act (CRA). It already passed the Senate, now we need to force it to a vote in the House.Today, Internet users from all over the country are travelling in DC to meet face to face with House members and holding local protests. You can check here to see if there are any protests in your area you can attend today.If you can't make it out to any protests or meetings, but would still like to participate and have your voice heard, you can do either or both of the following:Head over to BattleForTheNet.com to write and call your House Representative.Call 202-759-7766 to connect to their office. You will likely be connected to a staff member who is happy to take down your comment. You can tell them that you support strong net neutrality rules, and ask them to discharge and vote for the congressional review act (CRA) to reverse the FCC’s repeal.Many folks have been asking why threads like this are showing up in unrelated subreddits. Simply put, Reddit wouldn't exist without net neutrality, and losing it permanently is an existential threat to this community and others like it. For that reason, the mods have given us permission to make this post. This thread might not be strictly related to the subreddit, but your freedom to access it absolutely is.This post is by Fight for the Future, a grassroots, nonprofit, digital rights group. Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Medium for info and updates. via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2IsBBgV

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